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Covenant Enforcement and Design Review

Community Management

Here at the Reunion Metro District, we take great pride in ensuring the beauty, safety and stability of our community all while fostering a friendly neighborhood environment and addressing anything affecting our beloved Reunion.

We credit our management to our community’s success and the Board is excited to have a dedicated, high-quality, and experienced team in MSI.

Please note that Convenant Enforcement/Recreation Fees will be $109.50 per unit each quarter.

Our Community Manager for the Reunion Metro District may be reached at (720) 974-4113.
Please call your Community Manager if you have any questions or concerns.
Our Accounting Technician may be reached at (303) 420-4433.
Access our covenant and design review services at and click Sign-In (upper right corner). If you’re new to this service, please complete the Sign-Up information to set up a user name and password to the site’s private and secured portions.

To report an covenant related comment or concern, please submit your inquiry on the Contact the District page. You may also report your comment or concern to the community manager at 720-974-4113.

Please read the following documents for more information:

Governing Policies 
HOA Covenant Annexed Area ParcelsArticles of IncorporationDistrict FeesRESOLUTION ESTABLISHING GUIDELINES FOR PROCESSING AND COLLECTION OF DELI…Reunion Amended and Restated Resolution Concerning the Imposition of District FeesReunion, NR2 Sub 1 1st Amendment to Joint Resolution Concerning Imposition of Maintenance FeeReunion, NR1 Sub 2 1st Amendment to Joint Resolution Concerning Imposition of Maintenance FeeReunion, NR1, NR1 Sub 2, NR2, NR2 Sub 1 Joint Resolution Concerning Payment of FeesReunion, NR2 Joint Resolution Concerning the Imposition of Maintenance FeeEnforcement Policy and ProceduresEscrow for Landscape Violation Fees ResolutionLandscape Enforcement Policy and ProceduresProcessing and Collection of Delinquent Fees and ChargesReunion BylawsReunion DeclarationsRules & RegulationsSite Restrictions and GuidelinesFence ExhibitsNR1 Assignment of Rights under the Supplemental Declaration of Covenants, Co…NR1 Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, NR1NR1 Supplemental Annexing Declaration # 1-5, NR1NR1 Supplemental Annexing Declaration #6, NR1NR1 Supplemental Annexing Declaration #7, NR1NR1 Supplemental Annexing Declaration #8, NR1NR1 Supplemental Annexing Declaration # 6 (2), NR1NR1 Supplemental Declaration Reunion _ Carriage House 8.28.18 – Filing 18, First Amendment,, NR1NR2 Assignment of Rights under the Supplemental Dec CCR’s Reunion Carriage House F20 1st AmdtNR2 Assignment of Rights under the Supplemental Dec of CCR’s Reunion Carriage House F34 1st AmdtNR2 Assignment of Rights under the Supplemental Dec of CCR’s Reunion Ridge Carriage House and Porchlight F1NR2 Assignment of Rights Under the Supplemental Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Reunion Duets (Filing No. 36), NR2 (RECORDED)NR2 Assignment of Rights under the Supplemental Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Reunion Horizon and Meridian (Filing No. 35), NR2 to RMD (RECORDED)NR2 Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, NR2NR2 Supplemental Declaration – Horizon and Meridian (Reunion Filing No. 35), NR2NR2 Supplemental Declaration Carriage House (Reunion Filing No. 34 Am. 1) , NR2 (RECORDED)NR2 Supplemental Declaration Duets (Reunion Filing 36), NR2 (RECORDED)NR2 Supplemental Declaration Porchlight (Reunion Filing No. 34 Am. 2), NR2 (RECORDED)NR2 Supplemental Declaration Reunion _ Carriage House 8.28.18 – Filing 20, First Amendment, NR2Supplemental Annexing Declaration #3, NR2Supplemental Annexing Declaration #4, NR2Supplemental Annexing Declaration #6, NR2Supplemental Annexing Declaration #7, NR2Supplemental Annexing Declaration #8, NR2Supplemental Annexing Declaration #9, NR2Supplemental Annexing Declaration #10, NR2Supplemental Annexing Declaration #11, NR2Supplemental Annexing Declaration #12, NR2Supplemental Annexing Declaration #13, NR2Supplemental Annexing Declaration #14, NR2Supplemental Annexing Declaration #15, NR2Supplemental Annexing Declaration #16, NR2Supplemental Annexing Declaration #17, NR2Supplemental Annexing Declaration #18, NR2NR3 Annexing Deed – Reunion Ridge Filing No. 1 (TriPointe), NR3NR3 Assignment of Rights under the Supplemental Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Reunion Ridge Carriage House and Porchlight, NR3 to RMD (RECORDED)NR3 Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for North Range Metropolitan District No. 3 Area within ReunionNR3 Supplemental Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Reunion Ridge Carriage House and Porchlight (Filing No. 1), NR3Supplemental Annexing Declaration #19, NR3Supplemental Annexing Declaration #20, NR3Supplemental Annexing Declaration #21, NR3Supplemental Annexing Declaration #22, NR3Supplemental Annexing Declaration #23, NR3Supplemental Annexing Declaration #24, NR3Supplemental Annexing Declaration #25, NR3Supplemental Annexing Declaration #26, NR3Supplemental Annexing Declaration #27, NR3HOA Assignment of Declarant Rights – Shea to Clayton, (All Declarations) 2017-08-21HOA Correction of Notice of Contraction (Lots 1-13, Filing No. 17), (HOA) 2015-11-23HOA Correction of Notice of Contraction (Lots 14-41, Filing No. 17) (HOA), 2015-11-23HOA Covenant Annexed Area ParcelsHOA Declaration for Reunion Homeowners Association, 2002-8-27Notices of Contraction of Annexed Property #1-5, HOASupplemental Annexing Declaration # 1-5(1), HOASupplemental Annexing Declaration # 5(2)-10, HOASupplemental Annexing Declaration # 11-15, HOASupplemental Annexing Declaration # 16-20, HOASupplemental Annexing Declaration # 21-25, HOASupplemental Annexing Declaration #26-27, HOA
Snow Removal Policy 
Covenant Controls 

Enforcement Policy & Procedures

  1. Courtesy Notice – One courtesy notice shall be provided informing an owner of an alleged violation. The owner shall have 30 days to cure the violations unless such cure will take longer than 30 days to cure. If this is the case, then the cure shall be started within 30 days.
  2. Notice of Complaint and Hearing – The owner shall receive a complaint notice of the alleged violation via certified mail. The owner will have 15 days to cure, respond to the allegations, or request a hearing with the reunion tribunal.
  3. Hearing – A hearing shall be scheduled with the tribunal members.
  4. Sanctions / Fines – Upon finding that a violation of the governing documents has occurred, and in accordance with the recommendation of the tribunal of applicable, the board may revoke the owner’s membership privileges. Subject to the provisions below, staff may levy fines for violations of the governing documents as follows:
    • Number of Violations in a 12-Month Period and Fine Amount
    • First Violation: $25
    • Second Similar Violation: $50
    • Third and Subsequent Similar Violation: $100

Common Violations

  • Basketball nets not stowed in the proper place
  • Making an exterior architectural change without approval from the committee
  • Making a landscape change without approval from the committee
  • Utility vehicles stored in front of the house
  • Yards not well maintained: dead trees, lawn not kept trim, planting beds not kept clear of weeds
Title Company, Property Sales Info 

Notice To Title Companies

Reunion is a non-CCIOA association that is not required to comply with SB-100 Reporting Requirements – However, below is summary information you may provide to your clients.

District Financial Reports

Minutes & Agendas

Fence Maintenance & Staining 

Regular physical and aesthetic maintenance of fencing is required. Fences not finished by the Builder or Developer may be left natural, sealed with a clear waterproof sealant, or finished using Behr Solid Color Cedar #SC146. To maintain a unified appearance, refinish by power washing and overcoat with the approved stain color.